1% | 11.22 kb | /var/www/rf-desktop/rf/resultados-futbol/besoccer/index.php |
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41% | 434.32 kb | kint.phar |
0% | 1.71 kb | phar://kint.phar/init_phar.php |
0% | 2.73 kb | phar://kint.phar/init.php |
2% | 22.07 kb | phar://kint.phar/src/Kint.php |
0% | 1.77 kb | phar://kint.phar/src/FacadeInterface.php |
1% | 9.02 kb | phar://kint.phar/src/Utils.php |
0% | 2.54 kb | phar://kint.phar/init_helpers.php |
2% | 19.45 kb | phar://kint.phar/src/Renderer/RichRenderer.php |
0% | 4.87 kb | phar://kint.phar/src/Renderer/AbstractRenderer.php |
0% | 1.85 kb | phar://kint.phar/src/Renderer/RendererInterface.php |
0% | 3.29 kb | application/config/pre_config.php |
0% | 1.79 kb | application/config/section_routes.php |
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1% | 5.53 kb | system/router.php |
0% | 1.88 kb | system/phponrf.php |
0% | 354 b | application/config/routes.php |
1% | 9.11 kb | application/config/routes_file.php |
5% | 48.09 kb | application/controllers/category.php |
0% | 1.69 kb | application/helpers/convert_helper.php |
0% | 1.62 kb | application/helpers/lang_helper.php |
1% | 12.87 kb | application/helpers/date_helper.php |
1% | 7.14 kb | application/helpers/render_helper.php |
1% | 12.79 kb | application/helpers/url_helper.php |
0% | 1.29 kb | application/helpers/string_helper.php |
4% | 42.07 kb | application/helpers/normalize_responses.php |
5% | 53.1 kb | application/lib/lib.php |
2% | 23.23 kb | application/models/result_model.php |
4% | 38.9 kb | application/models/event_model.php |
4% | 43.53 kb | application/models/category_model.php |
1% | 6.95 kb | application/req/competition.php |
2% | 19.64 kb | application/req/tables.php |
1% | 6.56 kb | application/req/ranking_players.php |
1% | 6.03 kb | application/req/news_categories.php |
0% | 3.1 kb | application/mods/exec_mods.php |
0% | 2.39 kb | application/mods/common/menu.php |
1% | 10.36 kb | application/models/common_model.php |
4% | 40.73 kb | application/models/match_model.php |
1% | 15.79 kb | application/mods/common/menu/menu_static_content.php |
1% | 10.99 kb | application/mods/common/menu/menu_mini_header.php |
0% | 1.72 kb | application/mods/common/menu/menu_data.php |
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1% | 7.62 kb | application/mods/common/menu/menu_esp_navbar.php |
0% | 5.27 kb | application/mods/common/menu/menu_mobile.php |
1% | 5.63 kb | application/mods/category/migrated/category_header.php |
0% | 3.51 kb | application/mods/category/migrated/category_menu.php |
0% | 2.61 kb | application/mods/category/migrated/category_historical.php |
0% | 2.89 kb | application/mods/category/migrated/category_news_related.php |
1% | 12.97 kb | application/views/common/header_view.php |
0% | 4.08 kb | application/views/common/quantcast/cfv3.php |
0% | 4.93 kb | application/mods/home/banner_cookies.php |
0% | 197 b | application/views/common/menu_view.php |
0% | 124 b | application/views/common/main_view_fw.php |
0% | 161 b | application/views/common/main_view.php |
0% | 191 b | application/views/common/sidebar_view.php |
1% | 7.38 kb | application/views/common/footer_view.php |
1.03 mb | Total |
Connection to sql... 9.1 ms
SELECT type FROM routes WHERE alias = 'liga_iii_rumania2025'
1 1.9 ms config/routes_file.php
TOTAL TIME 4.4 ms QUERIES 2 FILE config/routes_file.php
SELECT l.table_suffix, ct.id, ct.alias, ct.name AS name,ct.logo, ct.CountryCode, l.year, ct.location, ct.continent, l.extraName, ct.competition_type, ct.troncal, ct.coefficient, ct.ctype, l.id AS league_id, l.year, l.total_teams, l.current_round,l.current_table_round, l.total_rounds, l.total_group, l.group_code, l.legend, l.legendExtra, l.playoff, l.end_prev, l.start_date, l.end_date, l.table_suffix,l.start_date,l.end_date, ct.parentId FROM futbol.categories AS ct INNER JOIN leagues_besoccer AS l ON ct.id=l.categoryId WHERE ct.id=284 AND l.year=2025 ORDER BY l.group_code
2 2.6 ms controllers/category.php
SELECT year AS title, year FROM leagues WHERE (group_code = 0 OR total_num_tablesR>=1 OR total_teamsR >=1 OR text_mode > 0) AND categoryId=284 GROUP BY year ORDER BY year DESC
3 2.7 ms controllers/category.php
SELECT type,categoryId,year FROM historical_resume WHERE (categoryId = 284 and (year = 2025 OR year = 0))
4 2 ms controllers/category.php
SELECT total FROM bs_rel_resume_items WHERE itemId=284 AND type_rel=3 AND ln='es'
5 1.9 ms controllers/category.php
SELECT ct.id, ct.alias, ct.name AS name, ct.active_year as year, ct.CountryCode as cc FROM futbol.categories AS ct WHERE ct.parentId in (284)
6 1.9 ms controllers/category.php
SELECT * FROM futbol.categories_coef WHERE parentId=284 or sonId=284 LIMIT 1
7 1.9 ms controllers/category.php
SELECT l.id, l.current_table_round, l.current_round, l.total_group, l.penalty, l.legend, l.legendExtra, l.total_teams, l.group_code, l.tables, l.year, l.split_league, c.ctype, c.cat, l.table_suffix, l.extraName FROM futbol.categories AS c INNER JOIN futbol.leagues AS l ON c.id = l.categoryId WHERE l.categoryId = 284 AND l.year=2025 AND l.group_code>=1 AND l.group_code = 1 ORDER BY l.group_code ASC
8 2 ms controllers/category.php
SELECT DISTINCT dt.nameShow as internal_name,dt.id AS id, t.*, dt.nameShow, dt.translate, dt.short_name as abbr, dt.basealias,(cast(t.gf as signed) - cast(t.ga as signed) + 100) AS diff, team.conference, dt.countryCode FROM futbol.tables2025 AS t INNER JOIN teams AS team ON team.id = t.team INNER JOIN datateams AS dt ON team.teamId = dt.id LEFT JOIN club_projects.club_teams ct ON dt.id=ct.rel_datateamId WHERE t.league_id = 77330 AND t.round = 17 ORDER BY team.conference ASC,t.position ASC,t.priority DESC, diff DESC, t.gf DESC, dt.nameShow ASC
9 2.7 ms controllers/category.php
SELECT team, position, round FROM futbol.tables2025 WHERE league_id=77330 AND round=16 ORDER BY team ASC;
10 1.9 ms controllers/category.php
SELECT league_id, round FROM futbol.tables_coeff WHERE league_id = 77330 LIMIT 1
11 15.1 ms controllers/category.php
SELECT `text`, id FROM futbol.common_lang_besoccer_app WHERE lang='es' AND keyone='731f3222d5f00c116376fec2d09c3339'
12 2 ms controllers/category.php
SELECT * FROM futbol.categories_coef WHERE parentId=284 or sonId=284 LIMIT 1
13 1.8 ms controllers/category.php
SELECT l.id, l.current_table_round, l.current_round, l.total_group, l.penalty, l.legend, l.legendExtra, l.total_teams, l.group_code, l.tables, l.year, l.split_league, c.ctype, c.cat, l.table_suffix, l.extraName FROM futbol.categories AS c INNER JOIN futbol.leagues AS l ON c.id = l.categoryId WHERE l.categoryId = 284 AND l.year=2024 AND l.group_code>=1 AND l.group_code = 1 ORDER BY l.group_code ASC
14 1.9 ms controllers/category.php
SELECT DISTINCT dt.nameShow as internal_name,dt.id AS id, t.*, dt.nameShow, dt.translate, dt.short_name as abbr, dt.basealias,(cast(t.gf as signed) - cast(t.ga as signed) + 100) AS diff, team.conference, dt.countryCode FROM futbol.tables2024 AS t INNER JOIN teams AS team ON team.id = t.team INNER JOIN datateams AS dt ON team.teamId = dt.id LEFT JOIN club_projects.club_teams ct ON dt.id=ct.rel_datateamId WHERE t.league_id = 73708 AND t.round = 18 ORDER BY team.conference ASC,t.position ASC,t.priority DESC, diff DESC, t.gf DESC, dt.nameShow ASC
15 2.3 ms controllers/category.php
SELECT team, position, round FROM futbol.tables2024 WHERE league_id=73708 AND round=17 ORDER BY team ASC;
16 2 ms controllers/category.php
SELECT league_id, round FROM futbol.tables_coeff WHERE league_id = 73708 LIMIT 1
17 10.5 ms controllers/category.php
SELECT `text`, id FROM futbol.common_lang_besoccer_app WHERE lang='es' AND keyone='731f3222d5f00c116376fec2d09c3339'
18 1.9 ms controllers/category.php
SELECT * FROM futbol.categories_coef WHERE parentId=284 or sonId=284 LIMIT 1
19 1.9 ms controllers/category.php
SELECT l.id, l.current_table_round, l.current_round, l.total_group, l.penalty, l.legend, l.legendExtra, l.total_teams, l.group_code, l.tables, l.year, l.split_league, c.ctype, c.cat, l.table_suffix, l.extraName FROM futbol.categories AS c INNER JOIN futbol.leagues AS l ON c.id = l.categoryId WHERE l.categoryId = 284 AND l.year=2023 AND l.group_code>=1 AND l.group_code = 1 ORDER BY l.group_code ASC
20 2 ms controllers/category.php
SELECT DISTINCT dt.nameShow as internal_name,dt.id AS id, t.*, dt.nameShow, dt.translate, dt.short_name as abbr, dt.basealias,(cast(t.gf as signed) - cast(t.ga as signed) + 100) AS diff, team.conference, dt.countryCode FROM futbol.tables2023 AS t INNER JOIN teams AS team ON team.id = t.team INNER JOIN datateams AS dt ON team.teamId = dt.id LEFT JOIN club_projects.club_teams ct ON dt.id=ct.rel_datateamId WHERE t.league_id = 69238 AND t.round = 18 ORDER BY team.conference ASC,t.position ASC,t.priority DESC, diff DESC, t.gf DESC, dt.nameShow ASC
21 2.4 ms controllers/category.php
SELECT team, position, round FROM futbol.tables2023 WHERE league_id=69238 AND round=17 ORDER BY team ASC;
22 2 ms controllers/category.php
SELECT league_id, round FROM futbol.tables_coeff WHERE league_id = 69238 LIMIT 1
23 9.6 ms controllers/category.php
SELECT `text`, id FROM futbol.common_lang_besoccer_app WHERE lang='es' AND keyone='731f3222d5f00c116376fec2d09c3339'
24 1.9 ms controllers/category.php
SELECT * FROM futbol.categories_coef WHERE parentId=284 or sonId=284 LIMIT 1
25 1.9 ms controllers/category.php
SELECT l.id, l.current_table_round, l.current_round, l.total_group, l.penalty, l.legend, l.legendExtra, l.total_teams, l.group_code, l.tables, l.year, l.split_league, c.ctype, c.cat, l.table_suffix, l.extraName FROM futbol.categories AS c INNER JOIN futbol.leagues AS l ON c.id = l.categoryId WHERE l.categoryId = 284 AND l.year=2022 AND l.group_code>=1 AND l.group_code = 1 ORDER BY l.group_code ASC
26 2 ms controllers/category.php
SELECT DISTINCT dt.nameShow as internal_name,dt.id AS id, t.*, dt.nameShow, dt.translate, dt.short_name as abbr, dt.basealias,(cast(t.gf as signed) - cast(t.ga as signed) + 100) AS diff, team.conference, dt.countryCode FROM futbol.tables2022 AS t INNER JOIN teams AS team ON team.id = t.team INNER JOIN datateams AS dt ON team.teamId = dt.id LEFT JOIN club_projects.club_teams ct ON dt.id=ct.rel_datateamId WHERE t.league_id = 63981 AND t.round = 18 ORDER BY team.conference ASC,t.position ASC,t.priority DESC, diff DESC, t.gf DESC, dt.nameShow ASC
27 2.3 ms controllers/category.php
SELECT team, position, round FROM futbol.tables2022 WHERE league_id=63981 AND round=17 ORDER BY team ASC;
28 2 ms controllers/category.php
SELECT league_id, round FROM futbol.tables_coeff WHERE league_id = 63981 LIMIT 1
29 9 ms controllers/category.php
SELECT `text`, id FROM futbol.common_lang_besoccer_app WHERE lang='es' AND keyone='731f3222d5f00c116376fec2d09c3339'
30 1.9 ms controllers/category.php
SELECT * FROM futbol.categories_coef WHERE parentId=284 or sonId=284 LIMIT 1
31 1.9 ms controllers/category.php
SELECT l.id, l.current_table_round, l.current_round, l.total_group, l.penalty, l.legend, l.legendExtra, l.total_teams, l.group_code, l.tables, l.year, l.split_league, c.ctype, c.cat, l.table_suffix, l.extraName FROM futbol.categories AS c INNER JOIN futbol.leagues AS l ON c.id = l.categoryId WHERE l.categoryId = 284 AND l.year=2021 AND l.group_code>=1 AND l.group_code = 1 ORDER BY l.group_code ASC
32 2 ms controllers/category.php
SELECT DISTINCT dt.nameShow as internal_name,dt.id AS id, t.*, dt.nameShow, dt.translate, dt.short_name as abbr, dt.basealias,(cast(t.gf as signed) - cast(t.ga as signed) + 100) AS diff, team.conference, dt.countryCode FROM futbol.tables2021 AS t INNER JOIN teams AS team ON team.id = t.team INNER JOIN datateams AS dt ON team.teamId = dt.id LEFT JOIN club_projects.club_teams ct ON dt.id=ct.rel_datateamId WHERE t.league_id = 58680 AND t.round = 18 ORDER BY team.conference ASC,t.position ASC,t.priority DESC, diff DESC, t.gf DESC, dt.nameShow ASC
33 2.3 ms controllers/category.php
SELECT team, position, round FROM futbol.tables2021 WHERE league_id=58680 AND round=17 ORDER BY team ASC;
34 1.9 ms controllers/category.php
SELECT league_id, round FROM futbol.tables_coeff WHERE league_id = 58680 LIMIT 1
35 8.1 ms controllers/category.php
SELECT `text`, id FROM futbol.common_lang_besoccer_app WHERE lang='es' AND keyone='731f3222d5f00c116376fec2d09c3339'
36 1.9 ms controllers/category.php
SELECT `text`, id FROM futbol.common_lang_besoccer_app WHERE lang='es' AND keyone='e82e1c172d123a70eb5cafbcb2780347'
37 1.9 ms controllers/category.php
SELECT id FROM leagues_mobile WHERE categoryId=284 AND `year`=2025 AND `group_code`=1 ORDER BY id ASC
38 1.8 ms controllers/category.php
SELECT dp.CountryCode, dt.basealias,dp.alias as player_alias,dp.role as player_role, dp.id as player_id, dp.nick,dt.id as team_id, dt.nameShow as team_name, SUM(d.goals) as goals, SUM(d.apps) as apps, SUM(d.completed) as completed, SUM(d.pen_save) as pen_save, SUM(d.reserved) as reserved, SUM(d.pen_goals) as pen_goals, SUM(d.pen_err) as pen_err,SUM(d.lineup) as lineups, SUM(d.expulsions) as expulsions, SUM(d.yellow_cards) as yellow_cards,SUM(d.red_cards) as red_cards,d.role, SUM(d.substitutions) as substitutions, SUM(d.lineup) as lineup, SUM(d.minutes) as minutes, SUM(d.assists) as assists, SUM(d.called) as called, SUM(d.cards) as cards FROM futbol.detail_player_match d INNER JOIN datateams dt on dt.id=d.teamId INNER JOIN dataplayers dp on dp.id=d.playerId WHERE d.league_id in (77330) and d.year=2025 GROUP BY d.playerId ORDER BY goals DESC, apps ASC, dp.nick ASC LIMIT 1000;
39 2 ms controllers/category.php
SELECT rel.newId, rel.typeId, cat.name
FROM bs_news_rel rel INNER JOIN categories cat ON cat.id=rel.typeId
WHERE rel.type_rel=3 AND rel.typeId in(284) AND rel.ln='es'
ORDER BY rel.cover_points DESC, rel.newId DESC
LIMIT 1,20
40 2.1 ms controllers/category.php
SELECT e.name as author,n.id, n.alias, n.media, n.headline, n.teaser, n.subheadline, n.live_headline, n.update_date, n.other_media, n.views, n.teaser, n.comments FROM bs_news n LEFT JOIN bs_editors e ON e.id=n.author_id AND n.ln=e.ln WHERE n.status = 1 AND n.ln='es' AND n.id IN (918096,808298,20463) ORDER BY n.cover_points DESC, n.creation_date DESC
41 2.2 ms controllers/category.php
SELECT `text`, id FROM futbol.common_lang_besoccer_app WHERE lang='spanish' AND keyone='ee89e028576abbdb8f5e2922ffa6612b'
42 1.9 ms controllers/category.php
SELECT `text`, id FROM futbol.common_lang_besoccer_app WHERE lang='spanish' AND keyone='5281601ba9e69765f3cc9698bdb672f2'
43 1.9 ms controllers/category.php
SELECT `text`, id FROM futbol.common_lang_besoccer_app WHERE lang='spanish' AND keyone='3151090b16fde9e7ff044d7e165a7412'
44 1.9 ms controllers/category.php
SELECT `text`, id FROM futbol.common_lang_besoccer_app WHERE lang='spanish' AND keyone='5e60b5ec40e89b36af60305c59be3a00'
45 1.9 ms controllers/category.php
SELECT `text`, id FROM futbol.common_lang_besoccer_app WHERE lang='spanish' AND keyone='4ec3b69ed63112f7e8865f1e94706f35'
46 1.9 ms controllers/category.php
SELECT `text`, id FROM futbol.common_lang_besoccer_app WHERE lang='spanish' AND keyone='10baa8b2e5f6bd44d6fc3845578df5e3'
47 1.9 ms controllers/category.php
SELECT `text`, id FROM futbol.common_lang_besoccer_app WHERE lang='spanish' AND keyone='a084288bc6a0f07728af01f6b4dfe6d3'
48 1.8 ms controllers/category.php
SELECT `text`, id FROM futbol.common_lang_besoccer_app WHERE lang='spanish' AND keyone='1df861fe51f457b17d0c4508e5cd42b6'
49 1.8 ms controllers/category.php
SELECT `text`, id FROM futbol.common_lang_besoccer_app WHERE lang='spanish' AND keyone='6decc7a13941fd42daa4fbd69e65935f'
50 1.8 ms controllers/category.php
SELECT `text`, id FROM futbol.common_lang_besoccer_app WHERE lang='spanish' AND keyone='7db10ce56f99e5425a2d429c7d394bdf'
51 1.8 ms controllers/category.php
SELECT `text`, id FROM futbol.common_lang_besoccer_app WHERE lang='spanish' AND keyone='1a2a1340f3741e963834f82a364b3fee'
52 1.9 ms controllers/category.php
SELECT `text`, id FROM futbol.common_lang_besoccer_app WHERE lang='spanish' AND keyone='748935a7655467c0132a01f4cc051685'
53 1.9 ms controllers/category.php
SELECT `text`, id FROM futbol.common_lang_besoccer_app WHERE lang='spanish' AND keyone='4b1ddd643fea47e16092ebf093f63004'
54 1.8 ms controllers/category.php
SELECT `text`, id FROM futbol.common_lang_besoccer_app WHERE lang='spanish' AND keyone='739134fed84a79ca4f9ed5eb1349cb76'
55 1.8 ms controllers/category.php
SELECT `text`, id FROM futbol.common_lang_besoccer_app WHERE lang='spanish' AND keyone='8605c790e31dc4f7b2b68c6cf4d99c2e'
56 1.8 ms controllers/category.php
SELECT `text`, id FROM futbol.common_lang_besoccer_app WHERE lang='spanish' AND keyone='943a1bcc4ff4b6c24273f8b6dfa34585'
57 1.8 ms controllers/category.php
SELECT `text`, id FROM futbol.common_lang_besoccer_app WHERE lang='spanish' AND keyone='99e3c77bd9b8b06a5cbec5ca7ed00a7f'
58 1.9 ms controllers/category.php
SELECT `text`, id FROM futbol.common_lang_besoccer_app WHERE lang='spanish' AND keyone='003e4a381cf8b16be461e334072c0fe0'
59 1.9 ms controllers/category.php
SELECT `text`, id FROM futbol.common_lang_besoccer_app WHERE lang='spanish' AND keyone='ef48f94260867a2a9fdad53362cd24a0'
60 2 ms controllers/category.php
TOTAL TIME 156.9 ms QUERIES 58 FILE controllers/category.php
Memcache Server version: | |
Process id of this server process | |
Number of seconds this server has been running | |
Accumulated user time for this process | seconds |
Accumulated system time for this process | seconds |
Total number of items stored by this server ever since it started | |
Number of open connections | |
Total number of connections opened since the server started running | |
Number of connection structures allocated by the server | |
Cumulative number of retrieval requests | |
Cumulative number of storage requests |