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2% | 22.07 kb | phar://kint.phar/src/Kint.php |
0% | 1.77 kb | phar://kint.phar/src/FacadeInterface.php |
1% | 9.02 kb | phar://kint.phar/src/Utils.php |
0% | 2.54 kb | phar://kint.phar/init_helpers.php |
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0% | 4.87 kb | phar://kint.phar/src/Renderer/AbstractRenderer.php |
0% | 1.85 kb | phar://kint.phar/src/Renderer/RendererInterface.php |
0% | 3.29 kb | application/config/pre_config.php |
0% | 1.79 kb | application/config/section_routes.php |
2% | 16.85 kb | application/config/config.php |
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1.03 mb | Total |
Connection to sql... 9 ms
SELECT old,new FROM redirect WHERE old = 'jugador'
1 1.9 ms config/routes_file.php
TOTAL TIME 3.9 ms QUERIES 2 FILE config/routes_file.php
SELECT dp.id, dp.alias, dp.name, dp.last_name, dp.fullname, dp.nick, dp.birthdate, dp.birthcountry, dp.CountryCode AS code, dp.bCountryCode, dp.CountryCodeb AS codeb, dp.role, dp.foot, dp.side, dp.height, dp.weight, dp.international, dp.internationalg, dp.twitter, dp.website, dp.dead_date, dp.bdfId, dp.birthplace, dp.palmares, c.Name AS country, c2.Name AS countryb FROM dataplayers AS dp LEFT JOIN country AS c ON dp.CountryCode=c.iso_code LEFT JOIN country AS c2 ON dp.CountryCodeb=c2.iso_code WHERE dp.alias='Crispi-255468'
2 2 ms player/index.php
SELECT rp.player_id, rp.year, rp.squadNumber, rp.league_id, rp.team_id, rp.teamId, rp.category_id, rp.captain, ct.id AS competition_id, ct.name AS competition_name, ct.alias AS competition_alias, ct.logo AS competition_logo FROM rel_players AS rp INNER JOIN categories AS ct ON rp.category_id=ct.id WHERE rp.player_id=255468 AND rp.in_squad=1 GROUP BY ct.id, rp.year ORDER BY rp.year DESC, ct.troncal DESC, ct.coefficient DESC, rp.teamId ASC
3 2.3 ms player/index.php
SELECT dt.id, dt.nameShow, dt.basealias, dt.CountryCode, dt.short_name FROM datateams AS dt WHERE dt.id IN (3259,2477,31077,877,2115,85591,831,100563)
4 1.9 ms player/index.php
SELECT total FROM bs_rel_resume_items WHERE ln = 'es' AND itemId=255468 AND type_rel = 1 LIMIT 1
5 1.8 ms player/index.php
SELECT total FROM bs_rel_resume_items WHERE ln = 'es' AND itemId=100563 AND type_rel = 2 LIMIT 1
6 1.8 ms player/index.php
SELECT rel.newId FROM bs_news_rel rel WHERE rel.type_rel = 2 AND rel.typeId = 100563 AND rel.ln = 'es' ORDER BY rel.cover_points DESC LIMIT 5
7 2.1 ms player/index.php
SELECT n.id, n.author_id, n.headline, n.creation_date, n.update_date, n.pub_date, n.alias, n.subheadline, n.teaser, n.media, n.tags, n.views, n.screens, n.clicks, n.relations, n.comments, n.power_cover, n.cover_points, u.name as user_name, n.live_headline, n.live_teaser FROM bs_news n INNER JOIN bs_editors u ON u.id = n.author_id AND u.ln = 'es' WHERE n.status = 1 AND n.ln = 'es' AND n.id IN (541768,540949,545413,549924,549052) ORDER BY n.cover_points DESC, update_date DESC
8 2.4 ms player/index.php
SELECT p.id, p.title, p.views, p.votes_up, p.downloads, p.totalcomments, p.author_id FROM rel_pictures AS rp INNER JOIN pictures AS p ON p.id=rp.id_picture WHERE rp.id_content=255468 AND rp.type=3 AND p.revised=1 AND p.ban_type=0 AND p.banned=0 GROUP BY p.id ORDER BY p.id DESC LIMIT 18
9 2.1 ms player/index.php
SELECT e.action, e.minute, e.match_id, l.categoryId AS competition_id FROM events1965 AS e INNER JOIN leagues AS l ON e.league_id=l.id WHERE e.player_id=255468 AND l.categoryId IN (1990) ORDER BY e.league_id ASC, e.action ASC
10 1.9 ms player/index.php
SELECT l.categoryId AS competition_id, l.year, ddr.id_match FROM dreamteam_data_real AS ddr INNER JOIN rel_dreamteam_real AS rdr ON ddr.id=rdr.team_number INNER JOIN leagues AS l ON ddr.league_id=l.id AND l.year=1965 WHERE rdr.player_id=255468 AND l.categoryId IN (1990) ORDER BY l.categoryId ASC
11 3.5 ms player/index.php
SELECT l.categoryId AS competition_id, rdr.year,cal.id AS id_match FROM rel_dreamteam_historical AS rdr INNER JOIN calendars1965 AS cal ON cal.id = rdr.match_id INNER JOIN leagues AS l ON l.id=cal.league_id WHERE rdr.year=1965 AND rdr.playerid=255468 AND l.categoryId IN (1990) ORDER BY l.categoryId ASC;
12 2 ms player/index.php
SELECT l.total_group, l.group_code, rp.year AS year, rp.squadNumber, rp.league_id, dt.id AS team_id, dt.nameShow AS team_name, dt.basealias, ct.id AS category_id, ct.name AS category_name, ct.alias AS category_alias, ct.troncal, ct.true_level, ct.official, ct.logo AS category_logo FROM rel_players AS rp INNER JOIN datateams AS dt ON rp.teamId=dt.id INNER JOIN categories_besoccer AS ct ON rp.category_id=ct.id INNER JOIN leagues_besoccer as l ON (l.categoryId = ct.id) WHERE rp.player_id='255468' AND rp.year='1965' GROUP BY ct.id,dt.id ORDER BY ct.troncal DESC, ct.coefficient DESC
13 2.4 ms player/index.php
SELECT p.playerId, p.year, p.CountryCode, p.league_id, p.categoryId, p.teamId, p.age, sum(p.2nd_red) as totalsecondyellow,sum(p.goals) as totalgoals, sum(p.pen_goals) as totalpengoals, sum(p.apps) as totalappearances, sum(p.minutes) as totalminutes, sum(p.goals_conceded) as totalgoalsconceded, sum(p.pen_err) as totalpenaltyerrors, sum(p.pen_save) as totalpenaltysaves, sum(p.yellow_cards) as totalyellowcards, sum(p.red_cards) as totalredcards, sum(p.substitutions) as totalsubs, sum(p.in) as totalsubsin, sum(p.out) as totalsubsout, sum(p.own_goal) as totalowngoals, sum(p.assists) as totalassist, sum(p.completed) as totalfullmatchescompleted, sum(p.lineup) as totallineupappearances FROM detail_player_match as p WHERE p.playerId=255468 AND p.year=1965 GROUP BY p.categoryId, p.teamId
14 2.6 ms player/index.php
TOTAL TIME 29.3 ms QUERIES 13 FILE player/index.php
SELECT rel.id, dp.nick, rel.player_id, rel.year, dp.alias, dp.role FROM rel_players rel INNER JOIN dataplayers dp ON dp.id = rel.player_id WHERE rel.team_id=6391991 AND rel.in_squad=1 GROUP BY rel.player_id ORDER BY dp.role ASC, dp.nick ASC
15 2.5 ms application/mods/player/squad.php
TOTAL TIME 2.1 ms QUERIES 1 FILE application/mods/player/squad.php
SELECT rel.id,dp.nick,rel.player_id,dp.alias FROM rel_players rel INNER JOIN dataplayers dp ON dp.id = rel.player_id WHERE rel.team_id=6391991 AND rel.in_squad=1 GROUP BY rel.player_id ORDER BY dp.role ASC, dp.nick ASC
16 2.1 ms application/mods/player/companeros.php
TOTAL TIME 0 us QUERIES 0 FILE application/mods/player/companeros.php
Memcache Server version: | |
Process id of this server process | |
Number of seconds this server has been running | |
Accumulated user time for this process | seconds |
Accumulated system time for this process | seconds |
Total number of items stored by this server ever since it started | |
Number of open connections | |
Total number of connections opened since the server started running | |
Number of connection structures allocated by the server | |
Cumulative number of retrieval requests | |
Cumulative number of storage requests |